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Ministry of Health
Palackého nám. 4, 128 01 Praha 2,
Phone: 224 971 111

Certified technicians – companies carrying out NOISE measurement

Ing. Miloš Mertl
Novosvětská 188, Praha 9,
Phone: 286 920 966, 602 385 914,

Akustprojekt–Inzap (Ing. Králíček),
V chaloupkách 22,
Praha 9,
Phone: 281 863 890, 602 331 772

Certified technicians – companies carrying out measurement of SUN EXPOSURE and DAYLIGHT

Ing. Jan Kaňka
Pod Krosínkou 9, Praha 9,
Phone: 284 823 067

Certified technicians – companies carrying out measurement of LIGHTING

Státní zdravotní ústav,
Šrobárova 48, Praha 10,
Phone: 267 310 578

Certified technicians – companies carrying out measurement of DUST NUISANCE

Ing. Punčochář,
MěHS Praha 10, Jasmínová 39,
Phone: 272 650 146, 723 474 609

Certified technicians – companies carrying out DERATIZATION, DISINSECTION and DISINFECTION

Jindřich Šebera,
Pavla Švandy 11, Praha 5,
Phone: 257 325 945

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